When you started your business, you were probably overflowing with hope, excitement, and anticipation of success. You were in love with your business and couldn’t imagine ever losing that feeling. You were going to run away with your business to a tropical island and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, it didn’t last. Just like your infatuation with your first love, your feelings about your business slowly changed with time and stress. Plus, it turns out he was allergic to coconuts. I mean, who’s allergic to coconuts?!

So, how can you fall back in love with your business?

1) Don’t try to do everything yourself!

In every business, there are jobs that you’ll just hate. Forcing yourself to do something you loathe is a sure way to begin loathing your business as a whole. Ignoring those jobs is even worse – both for your business and your stress levels!

Instead, find someone who likes doing the jobs you hate. Or, even someone who has no choice but to do the jobs you hate. That person is called an “Intern.” This will free you up to focus your energy on doing the jobs you love. You just might be surprised about the relief you’ll feel!

2) Who says work can’t be fun?

Create some interesting and fun rewards for meeting your daily goals. FYI: Stopping at three cups of coffee doesn’t count as a goal, but nice job anyway – you have more willpower than I do. ListGoal lets you turn your goal off getting new email subscribers into an interesting game. Another great resource I like to use is MomentumDash. It creates a personalized dashboard of your goals and every time you open a new tab, you are reminded of your main goal for the day (plus they have gorgeous images)

Meet another goal and take a ten-minute coloring break. If you enjoy Sudoku puzzles or online games, they can also work as effective rewards for accomplishing a goal for the day. Or, treat yourself to reading a fun and informative blog … wink, wink.)

Just make sure you set an alarm to remind yourself to get back to work!

Going outside for a walk on a beautiful day is an especially refreshing break with added health benefits.

3) Surround yourself with an awesome team.

You know, like the X-Men did. Just be clear to your team you don’t think they’re a mutant subspecies of humans … just awesome. According to entrepreneur and mentor Kai Sato: “You want to surround yourself with people who can run circles around you in as many areas as possible, people who are exponentially better in a variety of ways.” By doing this, you’ll greatly increase your chances of success while reducing the burden on yourself. That reduced burden may allow you the time and energy to appreciate your business again.

4) Work with an expert business designer for help developing an effective, and achievable, plan.

Unless you have a clear plan for accomplishing your goals, you’re likely to fritter away your energy and time without meeting them. Facing goals that seem to go on forever like an elementary school piano recital, without making any progress, isn’t going to endear your business to you.

The right professional can help get your business on the right track and stop it from derailing your life.

5) Step away from your business for a while.

You’ll be amazed at how this affects your perception of it. I recently took 2 months away from my business. We moved during the holidays and it was a huge and chaotic time. For my own sanity, I needed to step back. I didn’t completely disappear but I certainly cut back my client load. Guess what? The world didn’t shatter. I still have a loyal audience. I still have a steady stream of awesome clients. It gave me time to sit back and reflect on what I wanted to achieve in the coming year.

Now I’m not suggesting you take months off like I did (unless you need that) but a simple weekend away from all business related activities and you’ll likely return refreshed, re-energized, and ready to get back to work.

Follow these steps and you’ll fall in love with your business all over again! You might even start dreaming of that tropical island again. Minus Mr. Coconut Allergy.