Get Your Business Mojo Back When You “Just Can’t Even”

Get Your Business Mojo Back When You “Just Can’t Even”

Call it burn-out, call it an off day or even off month,  but accept that there are going to be times when everything seems like it takes too much effort. You’ve lost your “mojo” and you don’t know how to get it back. What can you do to get your motivation back when you just “can’t even”?

We all have them — entrepreneurs, writers, artists, moms, career women, everybody — those days or even weeks when we just can’t seem to find our rhythm and maintain our focus. The next time you find yourself struggling to “get back on track”, try the following strategies to set your world right again:

Gain Some Perspective

Sometimes the best thing to do is to simply stop trying so hard and get a change of scenery. I personally like to walk on the beach. Being close to the ocean make me feel lighter and feeling my toes in the sand literally grounds me. Treat yourself to a self-pampering afternoon at a spa. Spend the afternoon reading a novel you can get lost in. Sometimes, if I find myself unable to create content, I’ll sit at the local coffee shop sipping a chai latte and suddenly the ideas start flowing. Often a simple break with routine is enough to refresh and recharge, leaving you ready to dive back in and actually get something done.

Talk to a Like-Minded Friend or a Mentor

Now’s a perfect time to choose someone from your network for a little inspiration. Reach out to your business besties for some support and encouragement. If you have a coach or a mentor, even better! Pick up the phone, have a Zoom chat or meet for lunch. That’s one of the reasons you have a network or a mentor. Another person’ input can be the perfect catalyst to get your own creative juices flowing and get out of a rut that you can’t get out of on your own at the moment.

Eliminate the Negative

During those times when you can’t get out of your own way, it’s time to surround yourself with positive-thinking people who support you and believe in you, no matter what. Every entrepreneur needs a support system to help move them forward. You’ll return the favor when one of them needs it, because that’s why you have a support group in the first place — you’ve got each others’ backs!

Remind Yourself of Your Goals

If you’ve written your goals via a business plan or even just an informal “idea book”, pull it out and have a look. You’ll be reminded of what you want for yourself and the future of your business. You’ll also be reminded of what you are capable of accomplishing most of the time. If you haven’t met your goals, don’t get discouraged. Ask yourself why. Was the goal unrealistic? Were there unforeseen obstacles? Maybe spend some time to revisit and reset your goals for the remainder of the year. You can use this Goal Planning Workbook.

Take Action

Set some attainable short-term goals. Start small. Decide on one small thing you can do to pull yourself out of this slump, and do it. You’ll feel better for the small success, which may motivate you to plan another small step and accomplish it. Call it taking baby steps, if you like, but putting one foot in front of the other means you’re moving forward!


Being an entrepreneur can be stressful. We wear many hats and most days are just trying to keep our shit together.  There are days when we are super motivated and our creative juices are flowing and other days when we just can’t seem move past the obstacles in our way. But we put our big girl pants on and we make it happen. Because we are fierce boss ladies in the pursuit of our goals..and I know you have BIG goals. But you don’t have to do it alone. I got your back.


“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women that have her back.”